I haven't been blogging for such a long time now...
Life has been much better than it used to be. Met Mr. Boyfriend last weekend and it has been a blast! Sorry friends, I know I said I wanted to meet you all but there wasn't enough time.
As I can say that my relationship with Mr. Boyfriend has been wayyy lot better than it used to. After all the tears and sorrows that I thought I wouldn't even get through, God has been rewarding my patience. Even more better, I am much more closer to God.
I'm gonna make a big change in times.
But now, it is still time for me to seek for the truth.
And to Mr. Boyfriend, I never been so much in love (real-life love). Goodbye puppy love. I am now a grown up who needs a real-love and real-life issues.
Friends, please don't complain too much about your pupillage and your works. Life ain't easy. Unlike when we were in law school.
To dear miss.F, don't brag too much about your relationship. If you want a guy's view, of course it would be from my Mr. Boyfriend now that he is my best friend. He will say: Kick his ass off!! But since I am not harsh as he is; I would say: Just be patience. God will reward you on your patience. As I did mine. When you did not do any wrong, there's nothing you need to prove to him. And long distance relationship needs a whole lot of trust. And you know that you deserve better treatment than you're having now.
I love you guys~