I'm so pissed with ppl who dunno how to prioritise very2 special customer, being so blur sampai arahan owner of da company pon xreti nak ikut...
Wonders of da World~
Sunday, June 15, 2008Last saturday evening, my mom last-minute (yeah, Malays) asked me whether I wanted to celebrate Father's Day dat nite, instead of sunday. (yeah, my mom will always ask for my 'permission' cos I'm da one who's going to organise EVERYTHING; from da simplest part - wut my siblings gonna wear, til da technical part - when, where, wut kinda celebration gonna do). So, I said yes, since she gave me reason dat she won't be here at home on Sunday cos she'll be off to KL for some meeting (yeah, dats da reason why I always disappear once a month cos of meeting her n 'pow' her money. Hehehe).
So, it started with me, shouting over da house ORDERING my siblings to wash themselves n gave reason to take their bath; "Mandi cepat, lepas ni tolong sya buat surprise." So, with eager, they follow my order. Hehehe. It might look easy just giving orders to siblings n it might look like I'm a veto; but being da person giving orders to siblings, is much much more burdensome, which ppl who dun go through dis, wouldn't understand. Don't tell me dat u understand me if ur not da eldest child n da eldest grandchild n ur not a responsible person n ur not close to ur family. All of those elements must be fulfilled or else u can't say dat ur in my shoes...
So, since I'm not in da mood of preparing da food, I order my sis to do it, while I did da card. Plus, I was damn tired, after being a driver da whole day, from Perlis to Alor Star, and all around Alor Star. I'm not complaining cos I did it with joy but I was so damn tired to do da cooking. Cos for me, when u cook, u have to do it with ALL your heart. If not, da food won't be extravagant. Well, of course, u must also have da TALENT! Hehehe. But hey! I did cook! I made garlic butter spread in order for my sis to spread it on da baguette dat we've bought at Tesco Mergong (yeah, Perlis have NOTHING). After making da garlic spread, I made plans for whom to do wut. So here was da plan:
Fifa supposed to buy da cake, Dila supposed to buy da stuff for me to make da card (coloured papers) n both of them go together wit reason to my dad dat they wanna buy some groceries. Time tu my dad tgh sibuk masak stew (it was da greatest stew I've ever tasted!!). Aina n Ameer supposed to cut da baguette to turn into garlic bread n make it ready before Fifa come back home cos she's supposed to do da toasting. Tinggal la Adam, I order him to isi air dlm botol n put it in da fridge. Me? Mengarah je. Hehehe.
So, after making sure everything was in order, I started to make da card. N here's da result!
When everything's ready, we went to Cahaya Abi, as usual, to celebrate it. When arrived at da shop, my granpa konon2ny buat muka sedih. We asked why n he said dat he's so sad dat no one wished him happy father's day. We all said; "Laa... Kan Father's Day esok! Tokwan ni over la..." We waited for granma to arrived, n when she arrived, it was so tempting dat we can't wait no more for da shop to be closed in order for us to EAT! So, since granma started, we all started to eat. Hahaha. There was stew, nasi goreng, roasted chicken, garlic bread n fizzy drinks.
When it was time for da surprise, we bought da cake on da table, n it was sooo loud we shouted dat org dkt kedai pon mcm pelik (actually, da shop was closing but ada lagi org2 datang beli rokok last-minute). It was joyous! But, granma started to say dat she actually accidentally told tokwan dat we were going to celebrate father's day dat nite. She said "Tadi tok bgtau tokwan, ckp jgnla pi mana2 mlm ni!! Dok la dkt kedai! Depa nak celebrate father's day mlm ni! n Oooppss! There goes.." Hahaha! Padanla granpa asyik2 ckp we x wish him father's day!!! Tok da culprit!!! Huh...
Here r some pics:
Granpa kononnya sedih... Duh!!!
Both fathers cutting da cake.
It was fun though but due to my granma's big mouth n my dad's sneakyness (which I inherited), it wasn't TOTALLY a surprise! Hahaha. N I went bed early.
Posted by NisYa at 6:26 PM 0 comments
I'm having problem adding image to my post. Dunno why..
It seems like I can't post my blog with image for some time...
Posted by NisYa at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Mission Puss in Boots!~
Saturday, June 14, 2008Well, my lil bro's cat, was limping, n my dad forced me (well, annoyingly) to send da cat to da vet. It took me 2 days to do dat cos of da weather. Asyik hujan je. (Alhamdulillah, kalo xhujan, panas la plak). Hehe. So, Adam kept bugging me; "Nisya, jom la anta Puss-Three pegi jumpe doctor.." I got irritated by da question cos he kept asking me now n then (even when I wanna go to sleep!) Poor him, kene marah la plak dgn kakak dia yg garang ni. Hahaha! Oh yeah, why we named it Puss-Three? Cos, from dunno when til now, we've already had 4 male cats yg bukan jenis ddk umah, tp just jadi guard umah kitorang. It started with 'Puss in Boots'. When it then died, got another stray-black-male-cat; named 'Puss-two'. Then, when it died, came 'Puss-Three' tapi now Puss-Three dah capik. Then tiba2 ada stray cat, so we took it and named it 'Puss-Adam' cos it was supposed to be Adam's cat, where he'd have to feed da cat, but then it ended up me who is da one dat fed da cat, til one day it just disappear. Orang tua2 ckp bile kucing lari menghilangkan diri n xbalik2, tu maknannya dia dah mati. Dia xnak mati depan tuan dia. If dat is so, sian Puss-Adam, which later jadi 'Puss-Dam' or 'Puss-Tam' sbb Adam himself xreti nak sebut his own name. Hahaha! Yelah, back then he was only 4yrs old...
So, yg tinggal now hanyalah Puss-Three. Since I was in a good mood sbb kononnya nak dapat kete, punyela baik, nak pegila bwk Puss-Three ni pegi vet. I'm so damn scared of cats bcos I never had good exprience with cats (kena calar, gigit, kucing kurap xde kulit etc). So, I asked ALL my siblings to catch Puss-Three; n here are da pics. Hahaha!
Kononnya pamper Puss-Three while eating, walhal dah ready dah bakul nak letak dia in dat. Sbb malas nak pegi amik cage dkt umah my granma, so gunala bakul.
N da best part is, mmg last2 xdpt pon bwk Puss-Three pegi vet sbb dia lari, gigit, n etc. So, Adam, with his sad face told me:
Adam: Sya, pegila telefon doctor suruh dtg sini sbb 'Kuss-Tri' xnak pegi...
Me: Ala... Mane blh suruh doctor tu dtg sini, kite la kene pegi bwk Puss-Three pegi sana.
Adam: (Dgn muka yg dah nak nangis dah) Adam dah tangkap dah Kuss-Tri, tapi dia xnak pegi. Dia lari. Dia lompat. Sya pi la telefon doctor tu.
Me: Ala, Adam la telefon... (me dah nak tergelak dah tengok muka dia yg nak nangis, n dgn peluh dkt idung n badan berpeluh2)
Adam: Adam mana tau nombor telefon doctor! (getting pissed off already sbb me gelak ckp dgn dia walhal dia tgh bersedih)
Me: Abistu??
Adam: Xtau la! Adam dah tangkap dah Kuss-Tri, dia xnak!
N he left, went into da house n my mom ckp he started to cry.. Hahaha! Klakar gile ah adik aku sorg ni!! :-)
So, ended up, me n my sis n Ameer, pegi KFC mkn. Hahaha! Konon penat tangkap KUCING! :-p So, da best part is da part dat Adam cried n called Puss-Three, 'Kuss-tri'. Hahaha!
Posted by NisYa at 3:46 AM 0 comments
My Blanky~
Friday, June 13, 2008Yay!!!!!!! I've found my blanket dat was lost when my uncle moved from Ampang to Perlis! well, not dat I literally found it, but my granma at last found it. She used it to wrap da chandelier!! N it turn from white to gray!! gosh! Hahahahaha! N of course, I won't use it ever again...~
Posted by NisYa at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Padang Besar Trip~
Thursday, June 12, 2008So today, I woke up early (as usual) sent my siblings to their schools, n Adam to his tadika, n went to my granpa's shop. Well, da shop is kinda like kedai runcit, but it is slightly bigger yet smaller than a supermarket. Doing business in a kampung area, wouldn't have a lot of profits though. So, pity my granpa, until now, couldn't even get his rest. He's now... err... 2008-1937=71! He's 71yrs old n still working n still having a firm! (yeah, I did use the calculator to count! Hehehe) Pity him...
Well, here's da picture of da shop -
This is da front part of da shop.
Dis is da shop dat my granpa takes care of; sell all da 'silent-killer'.
This is da company's car!!! Heheheh! Age 21++
Oh yeah! Presenting - my granma! Hahaha! Who likes to smile with eyes shut, OR...
She won't smile at all... Oh yeah, lupe lak, my granpa yg konon2 nya sibuk at da background cos xnak his pic to be taken. But wait til he smiles... (hehe, nnti I might add his smiling pic if I rajin)
Later, went to da kedai surat khabar, to buy newspapers from the vendor in order to sell them at da shop, had breakfast (very lovely chapati) with granparents. Da person dat sold the chapati was a lady, n I was kinda like not stunned la tapi (wuts da word,eh?); cos dahla she jual chapati n tosai je, dkt kedai kopi cina plak tu, n all da ppl dat eat her chapatis n tosai are men. I wonder is she da sole provider for her family? Where's her husband? Does she have one? Or her husband ddk umah je? I started to kesian at her at da same time. She was very2 nice, friendly n her name is Maniga. Hehe.. Oh yeah! da teh tarik at da kedai kopi dat nyonya made was very2 nice! My kinda teh tarik - not too sweet. :-)
Later we teruskan perjalanan kami ke Pdg. Besar. I was sooo bored dgr lagu DANGDUT dat my granpa looooovvveeesss hear, so I took some pictures on our way to Pdg. Besar.
Here are some pictures -
Kena go through dis. If for girls you'd only have to wink ;-) or put on da sweetest smile :-) Hehehe...
Dis is da Malaysia's Immigration, where they check da border passes. While at da Thailand's Immigration, you just give your border passes n pay RM1 per head in order for you to easily get through. Hehehe. :-p Dats life...
When arrived at Pdg. Besar, I was sooo excited cos I saw signboards which I can't read!! Hahahaha! :-)
Da kampung there was like soooo clean! I wonder why Malaysians don't keep their houses that clean. Mcm termalu plak pk keadaan kampung2 di Malaysia yg sampah berlunggok2 tepi jalan.. Haishh... Not all kampung la, but I'm just saying dat I was stunned of the cleanliness of that particular village. Hehehe...
Well, clean, but not NEAT. :-p
Went to buy fruits. N I was amazed, again, with the cleanliness of their wet market! But i didn't take any picture of their wet market, takut org ckp me jakun plak. Instead, I took pictures of da place dat sell fruits! :-)
Again, clean but not NEAT. Hahaha!
After buying all da groceries (yeah, just went there to buy groceries, sbb murah! Hahaha!), had veryyyyy nice lunch (maybe it might sound like I like to exaggerate, but dis is literally TRUE!) Memang original gile! Had nasi paprik, sup daging, n bihun goreng je, but it was MARVELLOUS!
On our way back home, stopped at da duty-free shopping mall where my granpa bought his 'silent-killer' n we had to "smuggle" it. Hehehe.
When arrived home, everyone was extra tired, including me. Me tired sbb makan best gile! hehehe...
So, dat was today... :-)
Posted by NisYa at 2:40 AM 1 comments
My Kind of Holiday~
Basically, she has da same pipi kembung like me, same eyebrows, same smile, same degree of stubborness, same degree of 'poyo'ness, same hobbies. BUT, she has gorgeous big ROUND black eyes while I have SEPET eyes. Well, I guess, dats why she's much more adorable than me. Hehehe...
Since I'm not good in organising when I write, so, da day before, me n my cousins went kite-flying at Selayang!!! Hahahaha! AKMAL, at last! Aku dapat jugak main layang2 dkt situ!!! N i was burnt!!!!!!! Gosh! It was AWESOME experience. Da Chinese apek who sold da kite said to us: "Ari ini ada layang2 petandingan! U kasi itu plektis dulu la ini petang u masuk la itu petandingan." Hahaha! I was like "OK!!" n asked for his advice on how to flew a kite; n I did it!!! Here are some pics... Also, introducing my cousins, Alia n Adrina. They're in Chinese school located at a very busy road, where I always curse when it was jammed - Kweng Cheng.
Yes, I am da eldest grandchild n I am da SHORTEST! (Well, not literally shortest, but all of them are growing taller than me!!!) I guess, dis is wut they call - 'the FIRST CHILD SYNDROME. :-)
I was burnt badly!!! Yela, sape suruh pegi main layang2 tghari buta!! :-p NYDA, I dah burnt!!!
While taking pictures, I saw a poor dead fish in da man-made lake... :-(
Ok, end of my kite-flying experience, cos basically, wut I got was excitement n being burnt!
I also went to genting, accidentally! It was actually planned dat all of us - the cousins and my NEW uncle Adam (yeah, my aunt has been a super woman power, being single parent n I adores her capability raise up her 4 children). We planned to go for ice-skating at Sunway Pyramid, without my aunt. But then, last minute, my aunt wanna joined since she had an MC cos of dirhea for eating PETAI n DURIAN like noboy's business! Hahaha! Those were imported from Perlis tau! :-) Well, we waited for her at McD for like more than an hour, n Uncle Adam started talking about Malay plans, how last minute their plans are (well, he's Swedish), n getting pissed off. I just laughed n said "Uncle Adam, relax! Dis is fun u know, seeing u getting angry..!" N he just rolled his eyes.
We got into 2 cars when my aunt arrived. We were supposed to go to KLIA to meet Uncle Adam's friend, but my aunt then rang him while driving, n said "Baby, why dun we go to Genting n tell ur friend dat u'll meet him tomorrow instead?" N, bcos of loving somebody soooo much, he signalled to Genting Highland's route. Hahahaha! Poor Uncle Adam! I shall post his pic if I remember cos his pic is in other pc. :-)
Genting was damn great cos we played in heavy rain!!!!!!! It was a looooong time ago dat I played in da rain, n luckily, da next day I didn't get any flu. Alhamdulillah. :-) But most of all, I'm so bersyukur having Uncle Adam as part of our family. Dun wanna write about dis. Hehe...
Here are some pics...
Obviously, if nmpk dis bus in any pics, it is obviously NOT London. It's Genting Highland! Hahahaha!
Introducing - Ameer da ribut & Adam da taufan!! Poor me, ade adik laki both kepala HANGIN. :-p
Well, I guess I shall stop here for dis post. (Actually dah malas nak upload gmbr2) Tapi without da pics, xbest ah... Hahaha!
Bye! :-)
Posted by NisYa at 12:28 AM 1 comments