Mood Raya~ or NOT??

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well, as all of us know, WE HAVE LOADSSSSS OF WORK TO DO during our so-called raya holiday! Duh...

I have like 6 things to do during the holiday and to be submitted on the first week of after raya hols (which all of us are facing the same thing)... I'm actually not in the mood to do work right now as life is getting boring each and every day. Everyday, balik rumah with workloads, with the littlest time to get myself to one piece, to finish up all the work that are pending (which in I never managed to finish it due to fatigue). Either I managed to finish my work or not, the bedroom light will ALWAYS turned on as I will be so indolent to get myself up to switch it off. (well, that is not the issue by the way). What came to my mind was; what was my housemates been thinking about me and my life. I did told them how hectic life would be when I'm in LLB and I did told them to be in charge for the rental. I haven't paid the electricity bills for almost 3 months now (which it is not my problem cos I did told them to just notify me how much and I'll pass my portion to them since I never fail to pay the rent to them every month). My housemates are my juniors (I think), I mean, they are younger than me (I think, cos I haven't socialise with them). Since I'm in the final year of studying (InsyaAllah), I presume they are younger than me. :-)

Well, those are not the issue by the way....

The issue is - MY LIFE. Hahaha! So cliche from a person who's writing a blog. Well, I was wondering, since LLB life is hectic (not that I'm regretting) but I'm putting my thinking hat again. Sometimes I wonder why I think too much of everything whilst some people who couldn't care less about their life, or their future, or they pretend not to think about anything? When positive arguments ocurred between me and friends, people kept pointing at me as a pathetic person since I always think things negatively (since people think positively), I think about the future far too beyond (which they only think for the period of 3-5 years from now), etc. I once being called 'menyedihkan' and 'pelik' by one of my friend just because I see things different from other people.

I wonder, people kept thinking things so positively, have they ever think that things in this world do not really happen as easy as we may think? It is a LUCK that we managed to get things the way we dream of, but the FACT that things do not always go your way. And how do they manage their life when they don't think of the negativeness of life? What always come out from my mouth when me and friends are having sort of a forum about 'life' are always the negative. Why? I just keep it to myself the reason I have these pessimist thinking (cos one of my so-called friend once said to me that; don't always blame people and kept telling the same thing to justify yourself as people around you might feel annoyed by u). A statement from a person who also preached yet did the otherwise of what he preached.

I easily get annoyed with persons who like to make 'statement' but on other hand, they did the otherwise of what they said. Don't they realised the existence of people who always remember things of what they said and store them safely in their mind? Me, being one of these people, tend to easily get annoyed by those poeple. (well, this is not the issue actually as I managed to get over this already) :-)

Right now I am wondering about how actually the politic goes when I finally get myself into work field. What will happen to all these people who just take things easily? And to people who think differently from others (or can I say, think out of the box?) Guys! Is there any comment??

I am wondering also of what would happen if I don't get good result, good enough to qualify me to get into big companies (as I'm more interested in corporate world). At that time, I was so down with tests which I did careless mistakes, plus with all those workload burdens that never ends, I was hoping there was something good happens just to cheer my life up (since it's been a while that I haven't meet people with happy faces). One of my lecturer once told me his opinion that in the real world, your result is not the main consideration in getting yourself being employed by public/private institutions. My aunt also said the same. It is hard for me to trust since now we are living in a more competitive world than before, thus, those comments sound too good to be true. Cos I know that I might not be able to get the best grades this university can offer, but I trust myself in doing work (not studying). So, can anyone please tell me how the real world works?

My dad once told me that life is politics. In order for you to get into big big firms or companies are all politics (plus you ability to do work). I believe in this but toward what extend this statement is true?? Plus, don't forget how competitive world we are living now...

So, please help...