In Doubts~

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Darling made me rethink about my religion. He didn't choose for me but he made me think. All the questions that were lingering in my mind when I was a kid, came back to me now.

I don't know what to do. I am confused.

I need help...



Anonymous said...

whow, when it comes to religion, don't think too much.


Anonymous said...

what did he said?

Anonymous said...

you know what?if you have doubt in your religion start study to increase your understanding about can really know your religion when you really undertstand what the meaning behind what it want us to do and not by just simply follow it blindly.

as a muslim i persume,it is necessary for you to really know the assence of why the prophet and the Holy Quran urge you to behave in certain ways and not the other.

you must really understand the purpose of it.i'm trying to be as neutral as i can be while writing this comment and anything is unneutral,forgive me.

in a relationship where 2 persons have a different religion or moral beliefs it is better for one to have a strong hold in what they have first before engaging in such relationship any further.

the purpose of such is if the person love his/her religion so much they must not try to gamble it on an uncertain relationship because as a person with a religion for me the relationship with God last for eternity and with human its not.

i never engage in this inter religion relationship but just think back,if you convert into his or her religion if your relationship last it is good but what if you got divorce or break up?what will happen?will your family accept you back?

well if you are wealthy there maybe no problem since you can leave on your own but wut if you are broke while at it?where would you go?what will the public think of you?

i am a scholar where i also study other religion such as jew,christianity,hindu,buddhism,paganism,and anamism.the dellima of having to convert in a relationship is very hard.

i think the hardest is to hindus,jews and muslims,they are all very closely bonded to their religion in what ever that they do.

for some christians it is the same but then it only to those christians from areas where they ambrase or convert into christianity when the messanery come to their places to,eastern europe,some part of africa and asia.

if you look at the state for example,the christian there are not like others at different part of the world.

they are more focus into living their life that they forget or neglected what their relegion ask them to do.

but for muslim living there,where muslim preachers preach about islam they are as devoted as they can be.

why is this so?even though christianity is the religion of the majority of the people in the state?

this is because people born into a certain religion are to lazy to learn about their own religion.they have the mentality that by being born into the religion they already have the nrequired knnowledge to be so called knowledgeable about the religion.

this have result in when people starting to ask hard questions qbout their faiths and believe they start to be intimidated and startf to have doubts.

as people of religious believe,we must not surrender to such question easily.we must walk back for a while,re think and evaluate,"why did i have such doubt in my religion?"


nisya..when you are in doubt, i suggest you to look for these people in the internet. dekat youtube pn ada.

1) ahmad deedat

2) yusuf estes

3) dr. zaki naik

u'll never have doubts ever again!they spent their lives studying islam. nisya akan lebih yakin lepas ni.insya Allah. for me, personally, they are the ultimate seekers of the truth.


good luck..all the best.

p/s: buku2 ahmad deedat banyak kat MPH and anywhere. ada buku ni tajuk "The Choice". murah je..x sampai RM20.i suggest you buy it.

NisYa said...

thanx frens!!!!!

i love u all!!!

i just found a phrase dat just hold me back as stronger as ever not to follow other religion.

besides, religion is ones' private assignment with their God.

so, wutever it is, i did a tiny bit of my assignments and am marvelled by them.

to farah, thanx! but somewhere somehow, we must think too. =)

to anonymous, there are things he said about my religion dat i think one must not say.

to anonymous who wrote so long...
thanx for da advice... but who r u?

to hani, i dah pegi dh pon youtube tu earlier n yeah, it is really up to ones to believe wut they said or not but as for me, i believe in wut i've seen in my researches..

thanx all...

Anonymous said...

i am someone close but yet so far-the one who wrote too long =)

NisYa said...

the-one-who-wrote-too-long; ur mysterious! everyone is far from me now. hahaha!

i love ur comments.


Anonymous said...

as always like my comment =)

NisYa said...

letih la meneka sape encik the-one-who-wrote-too-long...


Anonymous said... will always know that i am tha one who wrote it