The days are getting lesser day by day to the day that I will be back to Shah Alam. Nothing much I have been doing at home; just enjoying the comfort of being at home - eat, chat, eat, eat, eat.
It has been kinda long that I haven't been putting my thinking hat. Been lazying around like nobody business. Unfortunately to me, one thing had been into my thoughts - fantasies.
It came to me when I chatted online with a lot of different character of people. What kept me thinking til now is; why do married people come to chat rooms and chatted like they've been there four days, non-stop? I mean, don't they have a family to be with? A family to look after? Or whatever a husband or wife should be doing?
I asked some people of why do these happen. Some people said that they are bored, they are just having fun, or maybe that they are not happy with their lives.
I don't know. It feels weird to me that why must marriage at early stage makes you tired or bored already? People whom I chatted with are people who are not even 35 yet! It strucks my mind; is this sort of like a 'trend' in Malaysia where people get married early and by the age of 30-ish, they are bored already? What happen their passions for each other? Their love-never-ends feelings?
Yes, it is true that they need an escape, their own time, own space from reality. But why so early?
And divorce. Is like a normal thing to do as a married couple, back in Malaysia. It's like a jolt of thunder. Today you went to their wedding, and for the next couple of months, Bang! They're separated.
What happened? What went wrong? Only they know.
I wish I could find my never ending love story and would never be in those kind of situations...~
A Moment~
Friday, December 12, 2008Posted by NisYa at 9:07 AM 2 comments
The Day I Went OUT From The House~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008**************************
Today I went to Alor Star to actually help Mama to take her car to the service centre. I woke up early than the usual mornings and drove to Mama's workplace. Had a nasi lemak along the way and after registering at the service centre, and dropped Mama back to work, I picked up one of my close friend. :-)
We had a nice breakfast (which actually Radhi was the one who hog and my god, he gained some weight!!) Hahahahaha! Had a nice morning gossips and all, and the usual discussions about our future.
What took my breath away was his school!!! YES, Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid!! Where my granpa who also a product of that school.
Here are some pics:
As we were cruising in the car, with no where in particular to go, we saw something really really fun!
Posted by NisYa at 2:41 AM 0 comments
The Aftermath~
Wednesday, December 3, 2008Thanx to all my loved ones who were there for me. I know I did make all of you proud in a way. I can see that in your eyes.
Even though people around me are so happy for me, but deep inside me, I wasn't. I don't know why but when I saw the face of my mom, it made me sad. So does my dad. They are soooo proud of me yet I had nothing to give them.
Maybe it is because of my strong headed nature...??
Posted by NisYa at 1:30 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008I hate unorganised plans, unorganised people.
Why do we have to have some sort of 'clan' when we be friends with others? Besides, how are you so sure that the ones who are in your 'clans' are the people whom will be there for you when you need them most?
How are you so sure that the ones who are with you 24-7 does not talk shit about you? I've known some whom I think their 'best friend' don't even know that they were actually bitching about each other.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't talk behind my best friends' back, don't talk shit about them, and I don't bitch about them.
And I have the rights to feel whatever I feel like to. There is no such law or even unwritten ones that impliedly said then when a person who does not tend to get pissed off easily, or is a happy-go-lucky person always, does not have the right to feel mad about something easily or get pissed off on something easily, just because they would not react that way on their usual ways.
When I usually don't mind what people did to me or how bad a person made me feel like, or after some short period I'd be ok and put a smile on my face; forgiven is different than forgotten. Only saints can do that. Or when I didn't mind when things happened to me, it doesn't mean that on different occasions at the same situations, I will still not mind about it.
Maybe I should not organise such things like a friends-get-together ever again. Who said that organising is such a simple thing to do? When you have to please more than one parties, different kinds and styles of people, more hearts to be pleased. Next time, I shall do best-friends-same-clans-with-same-wavelengths-get-together events. That'll be less frustation.
p/s: I miss being at home and the comfort of home; and I miss someone so much.
Posted by NisYa at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Fairy Tales~
Wednesday, November 26, 2008My life is simple.
With grandparents getting weary day by day, and me, having another 6 months on the go til I'll finally finishes my LLB, there's nothing more to think of other than having good grades.
My sister finally got herself into UNISEL doing diploma on TESL; meaning daddy would have to think of other ways to find more money to give two of us who spend too much. Hehehe. My aunt will be moving to Kemaman on the 15th December. They'll be renting a house by the seaside! And I can't wait to visit them! I looovvvveeee the beaches!!! :-D And the lovely otak-otak and sata, I'm craving for that. Dudi, bawak la balik sata n otak-otak from Terengganu!! :-D
This time would be the last visit for my granparents to KL, since there will be no one else to visit here. Next hot spot - Kemaman! :-D When I finally work here in KL, they'll come to KL again! And at that time, more visits from my parents! And siblings! Which there is even more valid reasons for daddy to come to KL and spend time with his best friends here at LowYatt Plaza without Mama having suspicious mind on him. :-p Mama would love to come to KL more often as she has some of her siblings here (which I rarely visits) and they'll be gossiping and be laughing like madness! Hahahaha! I miss those family gatherings. That would only happens when one of my cousins be getting married.
Living in Kemaman would be a very simple life indeed. No rush, no jams, no late nights etc. Uncle Adam has been giving me very good impressions on how Kemaman would be. :-)
My convocation is just around the corner and I'm not so into it. With long hours of standing while waiting for your name to be called, wearing high-heels, and thinking that my family would be tired of waiting outside the hall, the unorganised plans that we might have; I still would want to go through this, once in my life. :-D
At the age of 24, my parents had already married to each other whilst my granparents married at the age of 23. The Malaysian artistes are now in the trend of getting married at the early age. But, I've just read today's newspaper, and Nabila Huda is marrying at the age 26 whilst Maya Karin at the age of 27/28! Seems like if I'd follow the trend, I might want to get marry at the age of 27. Back to my old plans. :-)
To whom I shall marry, I'd rather not think yet. All I wanna think of is to get good grades, to be with my friends, my family and meeting more new friends! :-D Meeting new friends and knowing new people is such a great thing to do. Having different backgrounds, different thinking and principles, makes me (again) analyst these kind of people. Yet, my best friends will always be in my heart, undoubtedly, no matter what. How could I forget people who had helped me through my downs and sorrows? I tend to not remember people who were with me when I was happy and at the positive situations. Sorry people! My friends come and go but not to my best friends. I once told my best friend that I am tired of people who has been using me all this while, and all I want is to get married and make a happily blissfully family. I said to her that by having a guy with no doubt that he will break my heart in such ways, I wouldn't mind of having new friends whom I don't even know whether they will use me or not. I don't really mind if they want to say anything about me cos only me myself know the true story about myself. Why bother what people would want to say about me? I am in not such power to ever make their mouth shut.
No one does.
When realistic thinking pops again in my mind, there goes all the early-marriage that I have been thinking of. Life is short to be wasted. I mean, how are you so sure that the person is the right man for you when you don't mingle and get close to other men? I know I have flaws. A lot. But, I wouldn't want to be in the position where my family had been through. A lot of women came to their mind when they got to know a man whom fits them well, and decided to get marry. Along their marriage, everybody seems to be showing their true colours and divorce is an option. I dunno why I kept thinking that when I get marry, I must think of divorce. Marriage = divorce. And with that, it freaks me out. I'm having a thought that my aim in marriage is to get kids, then when the time comes, I would have to think about getting a divorce. In other words, I must stand alone, even when I'm married cos there will not be a happy ending.
I would not want that kind of things to happen to me. It gets me jealous seeing my aunt with her husband whom she married after being a divorcee for quite some time. They are too romantic for each other. Full of love. Care for each other. Such a loving guy he is. Even to me. He's so welcoming, despite of him not having any family other than ours in Malaysia. His willingness to live in Malaysia. To educate my cousins with such good manners a Muslim should be. How I would love that kind of husband - a loving one and full of love. He has loads of love to give to anyone. He greets all the people that he had passed by. He is so English; who MUST eat rice with dhaal every dinner. Hahaha! He is fun. He shares jokes (even though I usually have hard times understanding it because of his accent and when I finally got it, it wasn't a joke anymore. Haha!). He loves serenity. He is simple yet earn good money. He works at home and gets all the time a father may need to see the children growing up. He's very suitable for a person like my aunt.
Which I am not like my aunt.
I would rather say, I would want to be like my uncle. With that, I would have to find a guy who is rather like my aunt. Workaholic. Loves his wife soooo much (cos my aunt does cos she would not have the power to have more than one husband at one time). A very needed person in the corporate world. Who would not come home with works or even his mind on his works. Who is down to earth despite of the money that he earned. Likes to donate. A bold person.
But there are some characteristics that I would love to have a guy like my uncle. Very cool. Wise. Educated. Had been through lots of things which I haven't yet been through. Would bear with me with my hormones once a month. I never saw him playing games on the pc which I would love to have one like him. Has great general knowledge on everything. Patient. Love his kids so much but not to pamper them. Loves only his wife.
If I can see with my own eyes that there is a person like whom I always wanted since I was a little child, then there is no such thing as not believing in fairy tales. There must be someone there, maybe not in Malaysia, or maybe yes, would be perfect FOR me. Covering the loopholes of myself and vice versa.
I am not saying that there is someone perfect in this world as there is NONE.
I still believe in fairy tales...~
Posted by NisYa at 10:55 PM 0 comments
The 12 Hours Journey~
We were like 1/3 of the journey to KL, when suddenly he discovered that he lost his wallet. Panic went through his veins (and I forgot to take the pictures). He was being chirpy all the way until when we stopped at the R&R at Gurun. I acted cool cos I know that his wallet must have not being bought from the very first place. It might be at home. We then had to drive back home and there it was, in the bedroom.
I drove the car for almost 9 hours!!! The rest 3 hours were my granpa’s driving.
Ahhhhh….. Very tiring.
And I’m missing someone badly….
Posted by NisYa at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Aina Turns 9~
Yesterday was my lil sis’ birthday! :-)
She has been asking for her favourite chocolate cupcakes since the first day I arrived home from Shah Alam. I decided that why not I grant her wish (like genie in a bottle) and baked her cupcakes! :-D
Well, basically, I have not much to write in this post but only to show all of you how spectacularly marvelous my cupcakes was!!! Hahahaha! (it turns out dry for the first attempt though :-p)
Feel free to see the photos! I think I have hidden gifts of taking pictures. That makes me even wanting more of having a DSLR! Hint, hint. ;-)
Posted by NisYa at 9:47 PM 0 comments