Today, I'm sick, having a minor fever that ended up wasn't so great since I have to stay in my room and slept like nobody's business, just because of a dosage of 'ubat batuk'. Since it is only minor and actually I am able to drag myself to school, yet I don't want to because I'm just tired of being strong and manipulate my mind that I can do this and I can do that. I decided that why not just take a break today? Yet, it is true that your mind, your feelings are things that you can manipulate. Since I've told my mind and body that we should take a rest, my fever gets worsen. Hehehe... Silly me!
But that was not the issue.
It is rather a cliche that a person told the other person, of different sexes, that they both could not understand each other's action and the reasons they did what they did; that both sexes are complicated. In other words, the males telling the females that they are complicated and weird whilst the females telling the males the exact same thing. These situations would happen when they kinda annoyed or giving up on each other or when they confess with their friends of same sex.
As far as I'm concerned and since I'm a female (hehehehe), there have been millions of times where I couldn't manage myself to get to understand the nature of the males. Why, when, how the act the way that they did.
For example, there's this a friend of mine, who is of course, a male. Here I'll call him as F. F seemed to like me for the reason that we like to talk to each other since we share some particular mutual interest. We both treasure the moment when the sun sets, both of us got fascinated with the idea when we would drive along the road to watch the lights especially along Dataran Merdeka (well, I always do this whenever I feel low), we like the idea of loitering in MPH, Borders etc and read free books. The problem with us is that we live far away that we don't meet each other. So, communications are just phone calls. I like being friends with him cos he gave me supports when I was in hard times handling my relationship with my ex; in which he would always gave me positive words whilst I had always been at the negative side. Due to this, I know that I treasure his existence in my life, not that I've fallen in love with him. It was just him, being there at the right time and the right place. We seemed to understand each other cos we had same family background - we are the first born in the family, the first grandchild and almost the same family background but his was kinda unlucky as compared to mine. So I THOUGHT that I understands him eventhough he is of different gender. But, it all started when he started to get busy, managing his new life (after his massive break downs), while me on the other hand struggling with my last semester of BLS, trying to regain all my friends that I kinda neglect them when I was in relationship (that's typical, ain't it?), then we tend to get far from each other since both of us were busy and communication was hard since he is living at a place where coverage sucks. At times when I managed to get through his phone, he would say that it was not the right time to talk; that he was busy or was driving or whatever reasons which I don't care or mind (since that were reasons that I always got when being with a person that was busy with his works, more or less very dedicated to his work). Thus, I don't mind all the lame reasons that he gave me. It started when my mind started to think that "does this guy thinks that whenever I call, meaning I really really want to talk to him, and that it will take him hours just to talk to me? Is that why he kept giving me lame reasons?" Despite the fact that I know he is a busy person and very dedicated person, does he know that the reason I call him is just to say hi and that he is remembered by me? That would only take him 10 seconds the maximum. On other hand, he might think that, since I call, I might want to actually talk to him, thus it will take most of his quality times thus it wasn't the right time to talk. Or maybe when I called, he wasn't in the mood to talk, maybe cos of he is busy, hence, he might destroy my mood by not being able to attend me? When these happens, I tend to feel disheartened cos when he DID talked to me, he was ok. Ok means he did talked like how he used to talk, the same tone and the same level of interest. It then came to my mind that, how busy can a person be, that he couldn't even say hi to his friend? In fact, even so I'm busy with my LLB (well, I know in working arena it is different from study life), I did managed to say hi to my friends especially to whom that rarely calls me and manage to be happy when talking to them. This is where it came to my mind that, yes, God did make us human different from one another, especially being different due to different sexes. But, why must there be misunderstanding?
Another situation, also a busy guy and very dedicated to his works (why on earth always get attached to guys who are busy?). Well, I knew him through my ex-boyfriend. It happened when I receieved a call and I answered it harshly since I don't like strangers know my phone number. Eventually, it wasn't anyone else's number that appeared on the screen of my phone. It was my ex-boyfriend's number but since I have a brilliant handphone, it didn't register certain numbers. So, we met up and it was three of us having our supper. His name is M. I didn't know what M worked as at that time since I don't really care what a person do if I'm not interested to be friends with that person. He didn't seem interesting since I have this kinda of level of thinking that I think I can adapt with, in which with that kind of thinking, I can be comfortable to be friends with. I know it may sounds prejudicial yet I am just being cautious. He was being prejudice too; towards certain kind of people in which he thinks that these kind of people are posers. Posers in his definition are people who don't really have much money yet would like to hang out and pretend that they are one of them. I don't really have problem with these kind of people; so long it doesn't involves my life - my feelings especially. So as we chatted, I found nothing interesting until one day, after raya, when we conversed through the phone, he was back then at his hometown whilst I was already at Shah Alam. We talked about how happy I was after the Raya and how Raya made me realised that whatever **** that I've gone through was actually nothing as compared to problems that my grandparents and parents had gone through. And not to forget, the happiness of being with people that support you no matter what. Ok, back to M. What make M suddenly interesting is the way he sees thing. Especially life, friendships, families etc. He was once a junk (he said) and now, his job has finally changed him to be 'a person'. As we conversed about how life is, he made my mouth shut and it amazed me! I tend to argue on EVERYTHING since everything have 2 interpretations or even more, but when it comes to him, I couldn't say more since everything he said were actually what I will say. In other words, we share basically the same grounds on which we always stick to, no matter what people say. I shall not tell here what he said... So, remember when I said that I couldn't care less what a person do in life unless I'm interested to be friend with that person? So I asked him what ACTUALLY he work as. After a lot of questioning, I think he surrendered cos I asked loads of questions which he couldn't lie anymore. So, he finally did told me. I would say that his job is a famous-every-guy-would-like-to-work-as. So, since it is kinda well-known sort of job, I surfed the net to check whether he lied or not. And unfortunately (because if it's true, he is definitely a busy guy); it is true. So, I can imagine how busy he will be. But that's not the point. Remember the cliche that in every articles said that when a guy said he will call you later, it means never? And it's true. A guy who don't like you will not call you back. I never face this kind of situation until I knew M. Hahahaha! Suddenly I wanna laugh of how stupid I was. I knew from the very first that he will one point gets annoyed by me, since I don't think we have the same level of thinking. He is such a easy-going guy whilst I'm not. Full Stop. But basically, people who doesn't appreciate you, you should just don't appreciate them too. Luckily he is no one to me so I don't have to maintain him as my friend. :-) Besides, I knew his intention already after discussing with one of my best friends. ;-)
End of M.
Here's another type of guy - a thinker. R + N. Both of them I realised that they have the same characteristic - a thinker. They think of EVERYTHING. I think I develop my thinking habit just because I mingle a lot with these type of guys. There are a lot of guys who think but barely do. But R + N are both thinker and they DO instead of just wandering. They have brilliant ideas, which are practical and logical. I knew N more than R but since I knew how N is, I managed to mingle around with R easily. Some people might not understand why they did the way they did but I understand. They are actually easy to understand (by people like me) but usually, they find it hard to understand girls like me. We are so complicated but so do they. R is a risk taker and so do N. But R is kinda crooked whilst N is very straight (which I always have hard time with N due to his straight character). But I guess, it suits them both since one has to deal with a lot of crooked people when he work later, whilst the other one has to be very honest in things that he will work as. But there is a big difference between R and N.
R, I would say, is a type of guy who is sensitive whilst N is not. R appreciates people around him and show it to the world his appreciation whilst N does not know how to show. Since R is rather easy to be dealt with (or rather I don't know him as much I know N), I would rather talk about N more than R.
If you know the kind of people like N, you should appreciate them and keep them in your list of friends. N is a person that cares for you but he doesn't know how to show. N is a person that appreciates you but he doesn't know how to show. N is a person that will be there for you but he doesn't show. N is a person who loves his mother very much and that he is willing to do ANYTHING for his mother and he shows. On other hand, eventhough he does love his mother very much, he actually loves his father more but he doesn't show. He even hero-worship his father to that extend. All I can conclude from N's character is that he loves his mother very much, but the question is that, will he loves you as much as he loves his mother, when you're married to him? I have no answer for this but a lot of people especially the oldies said that if you want to know how a guy would love you, look at how he loves his mother and how he treats his mother. So, I would say that, life is about give and take. If you got yourself hooked with a person like N, you might be having hard times to spend time with him, since he is a thinker and a doer, and also he prioritise his mother so much, and also he doesn't know how to show his love, his appreciation towards you, just remember, you cannot always take everything. You'd have to give too. If it is true of what the elderlies said; then you should be thankful of having this kind people in your life because you're lucky to have them - a person who will always be there for you and would do anything for you because he appreciates you, loves you and care for you. :-)
Oh yeah! R and N are both strong headed and both are 'baran'. Sket2 nak marah. Ilex ahhhh...
Another type of guy that I know is A. A was a lover. A sweet-talker. Any girl would fall for him, as he is also a caring person. I used to even wrote love letters for him cos he said that my handwriting was nice. I was once very close to him until distance made us apart. Yet he is still my best friend. One thing I could say about a guy who likes to play with sweet words is that, you must know their nature of the possibilities that a lot of girls would fall for him. But apart of that, IF you are the choosen one amongst the girls, I can say that you are very lucky. This type of person cares for you very much, but not as much as he cares for other girls. He will talk about you 24-7 until the person to whom he talks to would feel annoyed. He loves you very much and EVERYTHING about you is special for him. He is very romantic. He has loads of ideas that can make you feel very happy when being with him and to the extend that you will feel treasured and cherished by him. He's like the every heroes that all love novels would describe him as. But as good things always come with bad; a lot of girls would want to be his. So, you have to bear with it or rather bear in mind that all other girls are just his distraction. He doesn't have ANY intention to hurt you, but bear in mind, when it is his nature to be such a sweet guy which EVERY girl would want, it is hard for him to change. Not being sweet is like not being himself.
Of course, there is the girl side of story; which I'm not into writing it this time since I have to read for my test tomorrow. :-)
So, people, please tell me why guys are complicated and according to them, we too are complicated. If understanding other sexes are so complicated, why must we be with them?
one of ur special ..
ang kn faham btol2 ayat aku ni..!!!
u have a power to develop other minds and thinking!!!
coz u have thinking something b4 other think bout its...(mind@think developer)
bout guy things..
we have any idea bout him but we're like him because d way he is....C.O.M.P.L.I.C.A.T.E.D..
kadang2 yg timbl isu ni coz we're bored wif a good n stable relationship dat let us to think n think..we want to make d relationship more sparkle than b4..
d=directin for us!!
p/s-ehe..aku baru cipta tuk ang..(creativity terbatas sbb ang nk cepat sgt)thanks coz ang wat aku byk berfikir and be 'a person'..
mmuuahh..syg ang..
Nisya, panjang siot entry uuuuuuuuu!!
Brape lama u taip tu?hehe
i rasa generally guys ni kurang hormon yang buat manusia jd sensitive.
i jumpa sume sweet talkers. Takde yang berisi. Statement serik okay.
tp i setuju dgn most of the things u said. =)
yay! nyda!!! at last! u do read my blog! :-)
may the wisdom will always be yours so that it can always be use as lights for others or simply be a moment for people to think about :)
Hi NIsya. Mt God you must have been a psychoanalyst instead of lawyer the way you analyse the mind of guys.
My comment is that F was intitally attracted to you but later got some other interest and wanted to distance himself. Hence avoiding phone calls etc. Some guys are like that they donot tell pointblank that the friendship is off so donot bother about such guys.
M was a big shot and apparently you thought his thinking was similar to yours but later your writing does not suggest that. He is stand-offish and tries to act high and mighty. Better avoid him
Now N, He seems to be so overly fond of his mother that when he marries his wife will be in trouble. She will be harrassed by her mother in law and husband wont support the wife. They are momma's boys and you better avoid such guys.
Lastly A seeems to be a lady's man and gets along well with girls. social butterfly. But he wont stick to any one in partiular, flitting from flower to flower.
Well,for a casual friendship such guys are ok but not husband material
So there you are .These are m y twoopenny worth of opinions on the guys you analysed.
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