About Today~

Friday, June 19, 2009

As I was driving my car on the busy Friday roads during peak hours of children going home from school, the employed Muslim men busy rushing their ways to get home early for the Friday prayers, I came to a T-junction where there were sooo many cars queued up to take their turning.

The hardest turning was the turning to the right.

When there is a traffic jam in Perlis, that's what we call unbelievable! That was what happened during lunch time just now after I picked up my brothers and sisters from school. Too much cars had to wait for just a simple small junction.

Until one car stopped.

It was an old junk that stopped and gave ways to the traffic from the left to turn to their right. And when I passed by, it was a very old car driven by an old man. What a considerate person he is.

I can imagine. Just by pressing your break and take your time for just 5 minutes, you make other people's life easier! Wayyyyy easier!

But I can't imagine this kind of situation would happen in Kuala Lumpur.

You'll be amazed to meet these kind of people living in KL. All they know is their own pleasure. They will park their car at the roadside and take their own leisure time to wait for someone. Or even at the junction, they won't even give ways for the cars that is desperately need to get out from a corner; that have waited there for more than 30 minutes.

Life in KL is way different than in Perlis. People are more inconsiderate back then in KL. All they think is money. I wonder if they have too much money, do they even know how to spend it?

All I can see is they buy luxurious cars, houses, assets, assets and more assets. Its a pity that they don't use that to go out from Malaysia and see what is there outside of the box. If I have the opportunity, I'd use that to go all over the world to see the different kinds of people and their culture.

I just love culture. It is what makes each and every country, different.

Culture also shows what kind of person you are.

Its a pity that people tend to like the way I am and didn't realise that why I am today and the reason I am me is because of the culture.

Nah, you can't see any kind of culture in KL except of loitering, money-spending and telling the world how rich they are and obviously how small their brains are. The more snobbish you are, the smaller your brains are.

I will always like to use this principal: When you're good, people will know you're good. You don't have to tell the world that you are good.

So, why the fuss of telling the whole world that you earn a lot of cash? Be humble, please!

And of course, you won't find these kind of people (whom wanna tell the whole world that they are rich) in Perlis.

All of us are the same.