Tonight is 'attending-Najib-night' which is accompany him to revise for his final paper which is this Sunday, making him unable to be one of my witnesses!!! Damn! I don't like to find guys to help me when the trial is on Sunday - meaning it's gonna take a lot of effort to beg a person to spend their whole Sunday being one of my boring witnesses (the trial is going to be held in the classroom instead of in the moot court. Such an uninteresting experience its gonna be. But, no one to blame cos Tuan Fairus is only available during the weekend or else we're gonna have to find another lecturer to replace him in which none of us would want to. Cos he's sooooo lovely! :-D
A guy in front of me seems to be very hardworking in revising his last subject and now he seems tired and feel like eating his burger in which he is doing it rite now. I actually left my laptop at home cos I don't feel like online as I was about to read my novel which I've bought it waaaayyyyyy before I could even remember when did I bought the novel. It's Cecelia Ahern's Thanks for the Memories. I've read it one-quarter way which I find it VERY intereseting but I tend to read it very slow since I would rather enjoy the moment not to have to do anything and not to have to rush for anything - except for STILL waking up early in the morning for the IP preparation for our mock trial as my firm is the prosecution.
Back to reason why I really want to blog right now is because I observed people around me and it fascinates me how a lot number of parents who brought their children to McD tonight like almost 10p.m. just because to buy 'Happy Meal' cos it's Madagascar 2! You wouldn't imagine how Madagascar had GREAT impact to children's life especially to my youngest brother. He made me watch Madagascar for like the rest of the year on the year which Madagascar had been on air. When I asked him "Adam xnak tengok Madagascar 2 ke?" And he said; "Xnak lah. Boring!" Boy! Who was the one who wouldn't let me watch anything else except than well-versed Madagascar?? Hahahahaha! Typical young boy thinking that they are big enough not to watch cartoons anymore. Walhal, bangun pagi je, Disney Channel is fixed on the TV.
There was this one family who brought along 5 children along with them. One baby. I watched the father, the mother and the eldest child. The father's face was full with love - love to his children, hoping that they will grow up well and be 'a' person. The mother? Busy entertaining all her 5 children. The eldest child - the brother, kept himself busy with his youngest brother. I made me think that would this kind of love lasts forever? Forever until the brother has his own family, the father could never eat McD anymore due to unhealthiness of the fast food that they serve us (well, I like it though. Haha!)? And the mother? I know that a love of a mother would never fades away irregardless what happen to them. Nothing much to comment. It's just that it makes me wonder, what kind of love that my parents has been giving me? One word - endless.
At 11.19 p.m. A mother aged around 50-55 years old has been accompanying her daughters to grab a supper at McD. Another endless love that a mother gives to her children. But what would THAT child give her in return? The same love she gave? Or not even half the love that she gave? Another question unanswered.
I just wish that irregardless the kind of family that I'm going to have, I would not put my parents far from me, especially my thoughts. Cos if I would say my heart, they will never be far from my heart. But from my mind, it might happens. The problem with children when they grow up is not to remember their parents and also a lot of ego to show and tell their parents that they are in their mind. And I'm one of them. The timing were just never right, never perfect. I tend to call mama and daddy when they are busy, when they are pissing off about something, when they are driving - all the wrong times in the world. And they did the same to me. When I'm in class, while I'm driving, when nature's call, etc. Hwn will the time that it will perfectly suits us.
One scene from the novel - the wife passed away years ago, and the husband would never want the memories of his wife fades away, in every single way. It says: "She loved Gay Byrne; her sole ambition in life is being to meet him. The closest she got to that dream was when she and Dad got tickets to sit in the audience of The Late Late Show and she spoke about it for years. I think she had a thing for him. Dad hated him. I think he knew about her thing. He likes to listen to him now, though, whenever he's on. I think he reminds him of a precious time spent with Mom, as though when we all hear Gay' svoic, he hears Mom's instead. When she died, he surrounded himself with all her things she adored. He put Gay on the radio every morning ,watched Mom's television shows, bought her favorite biscuits in his weekly shopping trip even though he never ate them. He liked to see them on the shelf when he opened the cupboard, to see her magazines beside his newspaper. He liked her slippers staying beside her armchair by the fire. He liked to remind himself that his entire world hadn't fallen apart. Sometimes we need all the glue we can get, just to hold ourselves together."
How me myself would never want memories to fade away...~
yes, memories memories memories
they just dont fade away. they are tucked in some corner of your mind and haunt you from time to time if they are bad memoreis and enliven your life if they had been pleasant
Live life in such a way that you carry only good m emoreis in your RAM and recall it whenever u r in a pensive mood
Hey why am I pontificating to an intelligent girl like u?
U know best what to do
But i love your repeated references to MacDonalds and the happy meals moms give their kids
How many ringhits? and do they give Toys with a combo meal?
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