I am right now at McD section 26, waiting for my bestest friend on her interview with one of the countless companies around this area. Hectic - is the word best described for this area. Feel like 'gossip girl' who lepak at a cafe using free wireless, having McFlurry as lunch and blogging. Najib told me that I am like one of those girls in 'gossip girls' which I never watch the series.
Yesterday was such a moody day for me; sekejap happy, sekejap tak, sekejap best, sekejap rasa rimas. LLB do made me change A LOT. From a happy-go-lucky girl and too-futuristic girl to a moody girl and not-so-futuristic girl. It makes me feel like everything that I am going through right now is basically what my dad/my mom/my granma/granpa had been through. It's like all I have to do is to choose, which kind of route that I wanna take. And of course, the road not taken is what people said the best. But for me, there's so many roads and I think ALL the road, people in this world had taken. So for me, is choosing which kind of decisions that people had made and ended up being like them.
Life is lovely, I'm having time for myself, not wanting to go back home as there are lots of things to think and to be solved at home. I need space. And friends. I just don't feel like going home, when things can be predicted on what am I going to do, what I would think of, and what problems I have to solve. Not as difficult the problems can be, just minor problems which STILL would not make my head stop thinking. Not that I want to stop thinking, but all I want is to relax. :-D
Watched 'Ayat-ayat Cinta' last night. At last. The movie was fantastically sad! I cried like a baby (because of the movie plus hormones). And the movie made myself make a new resolution - to be BAIKKKKK HATI!!! Hahahahah! Not too drastic like Fadia who felt like wearing purdah terus! Hahahaha! Neway, tonight is 'Sex and the City'!!!
I wish I could be at 'home' where I feel comfortable and no problems to think of. My aunt's crib would be nice. Its been long enough that I haven't been to my aunt's house. It would be nice. :-)
The traffic in front of me is getting heavier. Maybe I should get going? My laptop's battery is still sufficient to support me well enough from being in boredom. Yet, I still have my novel to read even this laptop will shut down. Those Chinese behind me is talking about business, Petronas exports, wastage, airports etc. Must be in a business of flying? Petrol? BORING!!
Gosh!!! It's now raining!!! My aim WAS to be in my car before it rains! And now, the aim ended. Need to rush to the car after this. *Sigh* Another heavy excercise.
My aim right now: to tone down as much as I can before graduation! Which I barely can do it. Huhu.
Friend En Route~
Sunday, November 16, 2008Posted by NisYa at 10:37 PM
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How feelingly and fluently you write Nisya!!!
Yes, you take a road less travelled. That is what successful people do. They want to blaze a trail and not walk on the ready made trail. But stick to the straight and narrow path.
The feelings of independence, newfound liberty from domestic worries, being in a big city leading an independent life all are so exhilerating. It will take time for them to seep in. Enjoy this phase of your life. It would be the best as you reminesce later in life. The halcyon days as they call it.
Now run to your car,girl, for it is raining. Ha ha
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